Co-ownerships are highly Program specific, so instead of speaking about them in general we will highlight what we offer. At Aureate we rarely offer up this incredible opportunity to co-own one of our show prospects. Reason being, it's simplest to let a beautiful show prospect go to a fabulous companion home who will love that puppy forever. After all, our dogs are ALL pets first and foremost. On very rare occasions in our Program we may find ourselves with a couple of very special show prospects, but we are limited in how many dogs we will keep in house. (Follow us on Instagram and you'll understand why. Our dogs live full and active lives and do far more than merely show on the occasional weekend.) Sometimes we have families that want the opportunity to learn about the show world and share part of that journey with us. They like the idea of owning a show dog, but don't have the experience to show the dog themselves but are interested in learning more about the process.
First and foremost co-ownerships are NOT for most people. They are NOT discounted dogs or puppies marked down at 50% off. You are getting access to the very best of our Breeding Program and you get to share in that journey with us. Our Show Prospects are sold for the SAME amount as our companion puppies. In the simplest sense, when we find that special family we trust enough to partake in a co-ownership they buy the dog, but not the reproductive potential or right to breed the dog. Remember, no responsible or ethical Breeder allows their dogs to be bred indiscriminately! If you have taken the time to view our website and read our Blog posts, you should hopefully have come to appreciate our level of dedication for this Breed and how passionate we are about our beloved whippets.
What it means in a practical sense is that we will meet up with you a couple of times a year to show the dog. We will pick the puppy up and drop them off. They will be gone over the weekend to show in Ontario to earn their Canadian Championship (10 points). We will organize for them to have health testing and once they have their clearances, if they are a bitch, they will come back for one litter after the age of two years. This is where things get exciting. You'll get firsthand experience with our litter and VIP seats throughout the first 8-12 weeks of the puppies' life. There's even a chance for one of those puppies to be welcomed home with you when mom comes back home.
What these families are responsible for is loving and caring for the dog. Meeting all their basic health and veterinary needs, as it is their dog. Keeping the dog in good physical condition, which is not difficult as whippets are natural athletes. Keeping their nails trimmed short (all our puppy owners are responsible for proper nail hygiene; read our post on Grooming to understand why). After the first year, we invite all our puppy owners from a litter to a puppy reunion. So you'll get the chance to meet litter mates if you haven't already. We ask ALL our puppy owners to keep in touch throughout the dog's life. We pride ourselves on breeding healthy and beautiful dogs unmatched in Ontario. Our dogs show around the world. If you are interested in being considered for possible co-ownership in one of our show prospects, please reach out to us and we'll begin a dialogue. We love mentoring and are happy to bring you along if you are interested in a hands on approach. Remember this isn't for everyone, but for the select few it's the opportunity of a lifetime!
"Our treasure has four legs and beauty is just the beginning"