For us at Aureate dog parks are an absolute NO! Now let's explore why we feel so very strongly against their use. Simplistically, we like the idea of more dog friendly green spaces being incorporated into growing infrastructure as part of city planning. The problem with the parks in part is how they are used. They create absolute SAFETY concerns for us.
For the most part people take their dogs to the park with the idea of letting them romp off leash with other "friendly" dogs to socialize. The problem is some dogs have absolutely no social skills, varying play styles and intensities, size differences and a varied personal history that may trigger dogs to feel unsafe or insecure. Not to mention the plethora of owners who completely fail to recognize obnoxious overly assertive behaviour which may trigger fights between other dogs. Other owners completely ignore their dog and do not monitor their behaviour. "Oh but he/she just wants to play!" Meanwhile the other dog's cues of discomfort, the attempts by him to diffuse and deescalate the situation are being completely ignored.
