At Aureate, travelling with our dogs is something we are very passionate about. Whether trekking across Canada and the US or internationally, travelling with your whippet can open up a whole new world of adventure. The following recommendations are based on our experiences to have a safer more fun filled journey.
-Safety Collars: We cannot stress this point enough. Although we are ADAMANT about NO collars left on our dogs at home EVER, we firmly believe a thin 0.5 inch collar with your phone number embroidered on it and your dog's name, can be a game changer. When we are on the road, we pull out our safety collars (ordered off of Amazon) and they wear them 24/7.

(The exception being if we let two dogs off leash together in an enclosed area, the collars come off as they can pose a strangulation risk. Yes, we do know dogs who have died this way!)
-GPS Tracker: We use Tractive in Canada as it is a small device which attaches to our safety collar and offers 24/7 monitoring. It also has a live tracking option. Otherwise, it pings in with your dog's location every couple of minutes. You can mark "safety perimeters" ie: your home and yard. This tracker is the best option for those of you who travel with your whippets within Canada and internationally, because it is the ONLY tracker that will work internationally; meaning we use it in the United States, UK and the EU with our dogs. We monitor them with the "live" option while they are boarding the plane to ensure they are transferred to the same flight we are on. Now the "live" option will only work for 2 hours maximum, so we turn this option off when not needed. Without running "live", the battery will last between 48-72 hours so we make an sure to recharge it in the evening. The downside is that Tractive requires an annual subscription, but it's certainly affordable ($140 CAD), as it relies on cell tower use.
-Apple AirTag: As you can see pictured above, we also use AirTags on our safety collars. The downside being in order to work you have to be in a densely populated area and it relies on being a few hundred feet from an iPhone. The reason we use AirTags too is the battery life lasts much longer and in the event our Tractive battery has died, this is a last resort for us. You can easily order AirTag holders off Amazon or Etsy. We like the 3D printer ones pictured above as they cannot be removed without a screwdriver and do not pose an additional safety risk by catching on other objects easily.

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