Am/Can GCh Shetara's She Smiled Sweetly CGN RN DS
Fleur was sired by a Sportingfield's dog (Can GCH Sportingfield's Rocks at Shetara) out of a Bo Bett bitch (Bo Bett Flew into Willowgate, who is a Speedy grand-daughter). She represents her pedigree well. Fleur exemplifies the classic long and low movement so typical of Sportingfield's and the elegance Bo Bett was renowned for! We are thrilled to have her in our program.
Fleur’s beautiful movement is only second to her natural presence and impeccable showmanship. Fleur is a natural performer. As our foundation bitch Fleur continues to make her mark in our program with her litter in 2020 and on our hearts with her endless enthusiasm and love. She truly is a functional and athletic girl. She has been a dream both in the show ring, the home and our resident queen of play!
To visit Fleur's pedigree click here.
To read more about Fleur and her accomplishments click here.

Can Ch Aureate's Sweet Printemps
Prin is one of our hopefuls for the show ring out of our Declan x Fleur litter. Prin has been special since birth; to honour that she was given a name to compliment her dam. "Printemps" is French for springtime, so between daughter and mother we have Spring Flower. Prin has the most amazing presence just like her mother and is always ready to deliver a performance. She covers ground effortlessly and is incredibly smart! Prin is elegant, balanced and loaded with presence! She is happily retired to the sofa.
To visit Prin's pedigree click here.